My story (part of it!)

I’m so grateful you came to my little corner of the world. My hope is that you stick around, email me, and swim UPstream!

Here’s a few random fun facts:

  • I’ve broken more bones than my children have (and I have six kids!)

  • I’m in love with Thai and Indian food

  • I use cast iron skillets for almost every meal

  • My favorite children’s books are The Velveteen Rabbit & The Seven Silly Eaters

  • My favorite grown-up fiction books are Jane Eyre, The Picture of Dorian Gray, and East of Eden

  • My favorite grown-up non-fiction books are Total Truth (Nancy Pearcey) & Choices (Mary Farrar)

  • I’m an ENTP / Enneagram 5w4 (for those of you obsessed with personality tests!)

Okay, so you want to know more…Well, I have yelled at my kids so many times. In the car, the kitchen, from across the house, outside, in a store - you name it, I’ve yelled at my kids there. I hated myself for it. I wanted to be “better” but felt helpless cause didn’t all mothers yell? So what hope did I have? Then one day I began wondering if it was possible to not be a “yeller” and worrier.

It occurred to me that Philippians 4:13 applied to motherhood and I could do all thing through Christ who strengthens me, even stop yelling and worrying. God crossed my path with a woman who challenged me to search out God’s Word on the matter and I’m so thankful to her. I learned that it is possible and that all my time as a knee-jerk mom could be redeemed. Years later, I decided to write Knee-Jerk Mom, which gives moms guided questions to help them stop their own knee-jerk tendencies of following the crowd, yelling, hurrying, and worrying.



Now my husband and I have six kids! Parenting challenges have deepened and the world seems to have gone full on cray cray. Common sense beliefs are being flipped upside down. People fear answering basic questions because they don’t want to be fired, ostracized, or worse. God is being mocked all around us but what can we do?

Because I saw and heard all the nonsense online, in the media, in our children’s library books, and even in churches, I decided to start UPstreamers, a podcast dedicated to help moms navigate the culture of chaos with God’s Word and a smile. Come listen and find out what you can do as you live in the world but desire to not be of the world.

What People Are Saying

With young kids running around it’s so easy to be knee-jerk or defensive in all my actions and conversations and Lana gives you the tools you need to end that all while being biblically based.

— Nichole S.

Lana is serious about igniting real change and teaching you to swim against the current to a life of intentional, purpose-driven, and joy-filled motherhood.

— Jana J.

Need help wading through conflicting parenting advice? Let’s compare what God says and discover how to stop yelling at our kids, together!

Ready to study God’s Word and stop yelling?

Want to know what it looks like for me to speak at your next women’s event? Or maybe you would like to host a weekend workshop? Click the button below for details.